Nucleoside Analogues

Highlighted Works:

Meanwell, M., et al. 'A Short de novo Synthesis of Nucleoside Analogs' Science, 2020

Davison, E., et al. 'Practical and Concise Synthesis of Nucleoside Analogs', Nat. Protoc.2022

Fluorination aldol for rapid access of nucleoside analogues:

Nucleoside analogues are a rich source of anti-cancer and anti-viral therapeutics but unfortunately, methods to synthesize complex nucleoside analogues are arduous and lengthy. We recently demonstrated that utilizing an α-fluorination aldol reaction, we can access a wide array on nucleoside analogues with substitutions at different positions around the ribose ring, all in under 6 steps from the starting nucleobase. We are now looking to expand this methodology to include even more complex subtitutions, as well as carbanucleosides, thionucleosides and azanucleosides.